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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Coming Soon - Mobip K-ON! Action Figures

Coming from AOSHIMA are the characters from the popular series K-ON!. Yui Hirasawa, Tsumugi Kotobuki, Mio Akiyama and Ritsu Tainaka all received the "Figma" style action figure treatment. First two characters release this coming week will be Yui Hirasawa and Tsumugi Kotobuki. The latter two will be release around end of November. CH-Toynation are proud to announce that all four characters will be coming in. Booking and reservation are now open for everyone.

Each character comes with one schoolbag, a few pair of shoes, extra hands, extra faces, music instrument and they can form a band like the pictures shown below. Figures are highly painted and come with many points articulation.