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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Completed Stage 1 - NEW CH-TOYNATION

Good evening everyone, this is the current look of our newly completed Stage 1 CH-Toynation. We are still close on Sunday but hopefully everything will be back to normal when our staff arrive around April. Stage 2 will commence very soon this month and we can't wait for it to be complete soon. We also will commence Stage 3 around April or May. Check out the photos below taken by Scarysoul.


Our temporary shop sign for now

Upon entering, you will be greeted by this cute and chubby welcome cat

Some of our new wall shelves and also check out our new CH-Toynation logo

More orange shelves.....

....our new display shelves catering for all kind of toys and hobbies

Our part-time Shinigami making sure everything is in right order....

Again a big thanks to Scarysoul for providing us the photos!!!