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Thursday, December 10, 2009


Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. Today(10th December 2009) mark another milestone for CH-Toynation. As you can see from our logo on top of the page, the ".blogspot" had been replaced by ".com". Yeap, you are right! CH-Toynation is now officially a ".com". Our official site address will be www.ch-toynation.com

A little bit of summary of CH-Toynation 2009..........

" CH-Toynation blogspot started out in the early January 2009. To date we had been providing our local toys scene with all sort of hobbies for all sort of collectors in Brunei.

Around June 2009, due to the high demand and the lack of space from our small display shelf in Kiulap branch, we had decided to expand Kiulap with more display space locating at the back of the shop.

I personally had met almost all of CH-Toynation loyal customer and all of them are nice and friendly people (although there were some weird one) who share the same type of passion . We intended to keep up the way how CH-Toynation deal with its customers, which is "one-on-one" services like using the CHATCORNER, EMAIL and MSN to reach and meet our market demand.

What is the future of CH-Toynation?
1. A shop totally devoted to just toys and hobbies (in progress)
2. To provide the best price to match the competitive market in Brunei

Lastly, CH-Toynation and me would like to say a big big THANK YOU to all our customers and privilege cards holders! Without you guys we wouldn't have reach these far. We promise to bring in more goodies for our local collectors and provide the best price and quality ever!"


* Watch out on 11th Dec 2009 to 13th Dec 2009