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Sunday, December 20, 2009

DEV MEET 5 (2009) - Pt.1

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen! As we all know that yesterday was the DEVMEET Event. It was held at D'Anggerek Taman Desa Hall from 10am till 5pm. I personally would said it was a big success given the amount of people turned up at the event! Plenty of pictures of cosplayer below and more will come later today or tomrrow. Check out the pictures below! Yes people, these are local Bruneian cosplaying at its best.

Hatsune Miku

SWAT (very impressive details), he was one of the bodyguard for the DEV MEET event!

Final Fantasy characters

Arrancar from Bleach

He is the organiser cosplaying as Prince from Katamari Damacy

Vampire Knight Character

Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed

D.Gray Man

Naruto Characters - Sakura & Kiba

Luffy from One Piece (one of my fav from the event)

Dragonball Android 17


Vampire Knight

Vocaloid in kimono dress

DeathNote L



This is Danboard, very creative!

yeap there is a battery pack on the back of his body

Group photos!

more pictures in Pt.2 !